Monday, February 23, 2009

Painting Revisited


Well I got some comments from an Art Teacher who pointed out some very obvious issues (No focal point, lost values, repetative shapes, Golden Rule busts Etc. So I fixed. It still has some value issues, but I am not sure exactly how I want to fix. The background has the cooler colors, but they are the same value as the foreground. This is an issue I need to consult the John C. Carlson book on landscape painting. By the way, this is not an exact replica of Chris' photo. Not meant to be. Thats what photos are for. Exactly replicating. Interesting that I didn't see how light the colors were until I brought the painting into the sun light. Jeez what a difference. I guess I need different paining light. All I can say is it is not this bright in the house.

1 comment:

Nana B said...

maybe the focal point should have been the fisherman, the change is color isn't bad, maybe too blue for the yellow. But the changes are noticeable.